akta terma kontrak tidak adil 1977 bahasa Inggris
- akta: act; acts; enactment; official document;
- kontrak: financial lease; sale and leaseback; contract;
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak adil: below the bed; inequitable; injustice; unfair;
- adil: conscionable; even-handed; fair; just; just and
- rang undang-undang terma kontrak tidak adil: unfair contract terms bill
- tidak adil: below the bed; inequitable; injustice; unfair; unjust; unrightious; wrongful; be hard on; cheat; foul; fraudulent; deceitful; dishonest
- dengan tidak adil: unjustly; unrightiously; wrongly; wrongfully
- diperlakukan secara tidak adil: be hard done by
- diperlakukan tidak adil: hard done by
- memperlakukan tidak adil: do (someone) wrong
- perjanjian tidak adil: unequal treaty; unequal treaties
- perlakuan tidak adil: a raw deal
- secara tidak adil: unfairly; wrongfully; wrongly
- adil: conscionable; even-handed; fair; just; just and unselfish; righteous; rightious; equitable; impartial; square; unbiased; clean; legal; honest; fairly; exact; unbiassed; correct; proper; reasonable;